Mobile Service App: Getting Started

Schedule Your Next Service Right From Your Phone

What Is The Mobile Service App

In an effort to make owning a boat stress free and simple, we have introduced a mobile service app that is available on the App Store along with the Google Play Store. This allows for us to create a simpler and more streamlined method to not only schedule service, but to also get real time updates on the status of your boat. For more on how to get setup on the app, and what the app can actually do, keep reading!


Signing Up For The Mobile Service App

When it comes to setting up your app account, we wanted to make things as effortless as possible. Rather than asking you a dozen questions about your current boat, that you may or may not know off hand, we are able to link your boat directly to your account. To get started with the mobile service app simply download it from the appropriate app marketplace and use the email you gave us to create your new account. If that email matches we will automatically link your boat and any previous service related to it.

What Can The App Do?

The app is designed to give you the ability to schedule and monitor your boat's service from the touch of a button. You can easily request your service through the app and get notified once your boat is scheduled. While your boat is in for service you are also able to check on the status of any work without ever having to call the dealership. In addition to being able to monitor the status of your boat's service, you can easily communicate with the service writer in charge of your boat directly though the app. To see these features in action download and setup our app today!

FADealership - Experience Moden Boat Service
Creating a Work Request

Scheduling Service Through The App

Scheduling service can often be a hassle when you have to go to our website or call the service department directly. Our app gives you the ability to easily open the app and request your service right away. Once your request is in you will be notified whenever your work has been scheduled or an employee has reached out to you for more information. This gives you constant feedback in regard to your boat that way you are never left in the dark and can rest assured that your boat will be taken care of and get the service that it needs.

Get Started With Our Mobile Service App Today

To get started with our app, click or scan the appropriate button below to download our app from your desired app marketplace. Once downloaded follow our guide on signing up for the app and you can start using the app right away!